For how many hours you provide staff?
We Provide Staff for
2 hrs | 4 hrs | 8 hrs | 10 hrs
12 hrs |24 hrs
Do you have qualified Nurse Male & Female?
Yes, we have qualified and experienced nurses (male & females), who understand that patients with special abilities and need special personal attention.
How we will recognize your staff?
Our staff will always report in Swasthayu uniform along with an Icard.
Do you have skilled physiotherapist?
Yes, we have a set skilled and qualified team with good experience. The Physiotherapist have planned sessions which may include use of special equipment or procedures.
What kind of professionalism you maintain to give service to client.
We have a team of doctors, nurses, therapists and volunteers that help with the home health care services 24×7. All details of patients are safe and secure with no disclosure of any information.
Do you give replacement if the current staff is on leave.
We can provide replacement if it’s intimated 1 or 2 days in advance.
What are payment terms.
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